Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lesson 15: Lead by Example

It is very hypocritical to ask your children to do the very things that you do not do. For example, if you do not share, how do your children learn to share? If you do not take responsiblity, how do your children learn to take responsibility? If you do not live your life with a sense of morality and ethics, how do you expect your children to learn how to live civilly in our society?

Research shows that some children, despite abuse and parents who repeatedly break the law, are hearty and resilient and somehow become productive members of society. However, not everyone is inherently strong enough to do that. There are more followers than leaders. And, as we have learned through history, not all leaders have good intentions in their hearts.

Is it a given, your children will do the "right" things just because you do? Of course not, but you have a better chance because you have led by example. Visiting the elderly, participating in community projects, showing compassion to those who have less than you are all good ways to show your child that part of our responsibility is to help others.

If we have what we need, and most of what we want, is it not the right thing to share with others less fortunate? It does not always have to be monetary. Your time, your muscle (as in physical assistance) and your "ear" (as in a visit) are all valuable gifts. Pay it forward. It pays dividends.

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