Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lesson 21: You Can't Pick Your Parents

As a parent, you are the first to love your child, influence your child, and guide your child toward a successful role in society. It is not a role to be taken lightly. As they say, pregnancy is 100% preventable...although reality TV would tell you otherwise.

The point of this lesson is that you must be mindful of what it takes to be a successful parent. If you do not feel you have what it takes to be a good parent, talk to someone whom you think exemplifies the role. Read books and magazines..there are certainly plenty on this topic, and seek therapy if you need to do things differently than your parents did. The reality is that you will repeat the bad behaviors if you don't learn how to recognize and prevent them.

If after all of that, you still do not feel comfortable with parenthood, then perhaps it is not your destiny. It isn't a box to be checked to be like everyone else. It is the most important job you will ever have in your life. The hours will be long and occasionally peppered with stress and disappointment, but hopefully there will be many more joyful and proud moments to remember.
How you treat your children lasts a lifetime. It builds or destroys their self-image, self-esteem, and ability to relate to others. So while you can't pick your parents, you can choose to make yourself the best parent you can be.

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