Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lesson 35: Learn to Forgive

This is a hard one for me, but one which will reduce the stress in your life.  Holding grudges seems to be a lot easier to do.  It gets us attention and helps us to cope with the anger associated with the actions of others that are painful and cruel.

Throughout my life, I have found it difficult to just let go of that anger. I have spent many hours ruminating on the bad stuff, and have lost those hours where I could have been doing something good for myself.  I have also let other's actions affect the feelings and worth I have for myself.

No one has the right to take the happiness you deserve away from you.  No one has the right to make you feel that you are not valued.  But...only YOU hold the key to prevent that.  Use your key...learn to forgive and move on and feel good about yourself and your life. You only get one turn...make it the best it can be.

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